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Behind every MinnPost story

When you read a MinnPost story that gives you a deeper understanding of an important civic issue facing Minnesota, you see the name of the talented writer who brought the article to life. Behind that writer are editors and other professionals who work hard to make sure everything is in place to keep our nonprofit newsroom going strong.

And behind this entire endeavor is the key to MinnPost: our members!

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With donations of all sizes, MinnPost members provide critical support for our in-depth reporting and allow us to make all of our journalism available to all readers for free!

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When readers donate to MinnPost, we ask them what inspired them to do so. Here are a few recent responses:

“Best factual news I can find and always well researched. News stories I can’t find elsewhere.” — Anonymous donor, Plymouth

“Andy Steiner provides the most comprehensive coverage of mental health and addiction issues in Minnesota. She is mandatory reading for social service professionals.” — David, Northfield

“Excellent, independent journalism. I believe it is important to support ‘real’ professional reporting.” — Anonymous donor, Minneapolis

“Independent news in a big way. Thank you MINNPOST!” — Bert, Minneapolis


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