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Member support is critical

We can’t say it enough: member support is critical to MinnPost’s nonprofit newsroom.

That’s why today I’m asking if you’ll step forward and become a MinnPost member.

Throughout the pandemic, MinnPost has continued to be your source of essential Minnesota news, and not just on COVID-19. We’ve been consistently providing top-notch government, environmental, arts and education reporting. We’ve covered the stories that are important to Minnesotans, particularly in challenging times.

Tomorrow is the last day of our Fall Member Drive. So we’re asking for your support right now to ensure that we can continue to provide this necessary public service in the months ahead. Will you make a donation right now to support trustworthy, essential journalism?


Donations from readers like you account for a full two-thirds of MinnPost’s funding. We cannot do what we do without generous member support. Plus, your MinnPost donation is tax-deductible. Will you join us?


THANK YOU to the readers who already donated during our Fall Member Drive! When members donate, we ask them why they’re inspired to do so. Here are a few recent responses:

“MinnPost delivers detailed reports on a variety of issues in our community, the state and nationally. MinnPost is my go-to site each day. I so appreciate having this news source.” — Darlene, Golden Valley

“It is just the right thing to do.” — Raymond, Duluth

“Just because I like everything about it — and it’s well worth my time reading it every day!” — Carol, Roseville

“Great source of news for our state of Minnesota (provided by fantastic journalists)!” — Anonymous donor, St. Paul


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