Picture this: you cozying up to do the New York Times Sunday crossword with hot cocoa in a MinnPost mug. Maybe, if you’re lucky, it’s even snowing outside. Doesn’t that sound idyllic? This could be you! (Well, we can’t guarantee the snow.)
Join us with a tax-deductible gift to our nonprofit newsroom, and take advantage of the benefits that come with your membership!
Join at the $5/month level and select a MinnPost mug or water bottle. Be among the first to drink your morning coffee from our new mug design!
Join at the $10/month level and you can get a mug or water bottle plus a one-year digital subscription to New York Times Games. This includes your favorite crossword and new games like Vertex and Tiles. (I’m obsessed with Spelling Bee!)
Join at the $20/month level and get the above benefits plus a one-year digital subscription to the New York Times. Supplement your MinnPost news with additional in-depth reporting from around the country and world.
And, of course, when you support MinnPost, the most important thing you get? A sense of pride that you’re helping fund the in-depth, independent news that Minnesotans need to make sense of civic and cultural life in our state. And if you’d rather forego the thank you gift, that’s okay too.
Thank you so much to everyone who’s already donated during our year-end member drive! When readers give to MinnPost, we like to ask them what inspired them to do so. Here are a few recent responses:
“Reporting news I do not find anywhere else.” — Jeff, Park Rapids
“Excellent data coverage on MN Covid-19 trends.” — Anonymous donor, Minneapolis
“The importance of local journalism to our well being as a society.” — Suzanne, St. Paul
“The need to support truly independent, local journalism is critical. And I depend on MinnPost’s staff of talented, thorough reporters on a daily basis.” — Anonymous donor, Minneapolis
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