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MinnPost picks: on Brittney Griner, ‘Clear Water’ and alt-weeklies

“Brittney Griner told me her fear of being alone and forgotten. Don’t let it come true,” The Guardian

Call it foreshadowing. Writer Melissa Johnson documented WNBA superstar (and United States Olympic gold medalist) Brittney Griner’s first trip to foreign soil for the wages ($600,000 in China compared to $45,000 in the WNBA) she couldn’t earn here in the states. That was 2014 in communist China, but it is 2022 in Russia where Griner finds herself locked away – facing 10 years in prison – for the most minor of “crimes.” Johnson brings the story full circle in her piece for the Guardian. —Harry Colbert, Jr., managing editor

“These US companies are expanding abortion benefits,” Quartz

Quartz work reporter Lila MacLellan has compiled a list of American companies that have already adopted policies around reproductive rights, including Amazon, Salesforce, Levi’s, Apple and Yelp, et al. —Corey Anderson, creative director

“Clear Water,” Melanie Walby

Graphic designer Melanie Walby of Pollen has a Minneapolis installment of her “Clear Water”  exhibit at K2 studios in South Minneapolis through the end of May. The gallery is open on weekends, and a pre-recorded panel with other artists goes live today. I walked through the exhibit the other day and found it both visually and narratively powerful. —Jonathan Stegall, user experience engineer

“Paper, Cut,”  Washington City Paper

Andrew PutzThe demise of alt-weeklies has been less remarked-upon than the decline and fall of daily newspapers, even if the carnage has been more total (RIP City Pages). But if you’re wondering what it was actually like to work at one of these once-ubiquitous local newspapers in their heyday, this story from Washington City Paper — upon the occasion of its last print edition — is probably as good as you can get. —Andy Putz, editor 

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