But more than what I do, it’s who I am.
That word is griot. The griot is the storyteller … the historian. Regularly, people would gather around the griot and he, she or they would pass down the stories, histories and customs of the village communities. The griot is held in high regard, revered as an elder entrusted to impart wisdom and knowledge throughout the land.
I humbly and proudly consider myself an American griot. But today the griots are under attack. No longer revered, American journalists are being demonized and vilified at almost every turn. And in many ways, it’s our own fault. More concerned with sensationalism and celebrity than the story itself, in America it seems the griot has lost sight of the true calling.
That’s why I’m so grateful to be a part of MinnPost. At MinnPost it’s not just the story, but the story behind the story. It’s not the who and the what, but the why and the how. It’s not about the storyteller, but the story itself.
And it is thanks to our donors that we are able to tell authentic and purposeful stories from Minnesota and/or concerning Minnesotans. Please support MinnPost with a recurring donation to this vital news organization. It is your support that enables us to be the tellers of truth and bearers of light.
Thank you for your support and readership.
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Donations to MinnPost made now through June 30 will be matched dollar for dollar by the Minneapolis Foundation, up to $10,000.
Monthly sustaining donations will be matched for their full annual value! So if you start a $15/month donation, it will be matched at $180.
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Thank you to the Minneapolis Foundation for their generous support!
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