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Minneapolis City Council Ward 12 2023 candidates: Aurin Chowdhury, Nancy Ford, Luther Ranheim

Voting in Minneapolis Ward 12? We have resources to help you meet the candidates and get ready to vote. 

  • Read the candidates’ full responses to a range of questions from MinnPost by visiting our 2023 Minneapolis and St. Paul election guide and selecting the city and ward number.
  • Curious about which groups are influencing the election through donations and endorsements? Read the guide we published with Minneapolis Voices for our latest analysis of campaign finance data. 
  • Remember, this is a ranked choice voting election — meaning you get to cast a ballot for your top three candidates. As you read our voter guide, keep in mind your first, second and third choices for the position.

Click here for MinnPost’s full 2023 Minneapolis and St. Paul City Council candidate guide

Aurin Chowdhury

  • If elected this fall, what policy would be your top priority? “The future of our public safety is one of the most pressing issues in my Ward. While City Council cannot create or change police policy it can legislate on other public safety tools. I’ll lead on shaping a department of neighborhood safety that has a 24/7 behavioral crisis response, violence prevention programs that work in with neighborhoods, reinvigorates and supports block captain programs, and has an effective vision on crime prevention. Ward 12 residents feel left out of the process of shaping their public safety system– I will work to create the space for us to shape it together.”

Nancy Ford

  • If elected this fall, what policy would be your top priority? “My top priority is economic development of our city. We need to foster small business growth. This does not come without investment in public safety. We must keep communities safe so businesses invest, jobs are created and dollars circulate in our zip code. We must make home ownership possible and build affordable housing so more people can call our city home.”

Luther Ranheim

  • If elected this fall, what policy would be your top priority? “My top priority will be expanding our holistic public safety system. Public safety is more than policing, but that is a part of it. We must enact a holistic vision for public safety where every department has the funding and support that it needs to do its job with excellence. The Fire Department needs a new fire station. We need a 3rd police precinct in the 3rd precinct geography. The Office of Neighborhood Safety (formerly, OVP) needs to adequately fund the right organizations with a proven track record of violence interruption. These are some examples of what I will prioritize.”

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